The Regional Water Management Award is awarded to one or more organizations or agencies that implement a program or project which creatively addresses a water management need. The organizations’ or agencies’ program or project must benefit the region and do one or more of the following:
- Improve water supply reliability or the management of water resources
- Improve water use efficiency or sustainability
- Reduce costs and/or improve operational efficiency
- Improve water utility services to ratepayers or customers
- Improve the environment
- Improve water quality
Eligible projects or programs must demonstrate a commitment to excellence, and show creativity in addressing a water resource or management issue on a regional scale. It is the intent of this award to be awarded for exceptionally special programs or projects, and will likely not be awarded every year. This award was established in 2019.
American River Basin Study
Produced in partnership by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation with Placer County Water Agency, the cites of Folsom, Roseville and Sacramento, El Dorado Water Agency, and Regional Water Authority, in coordination with the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency