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Regional Public Outreach and Communications Program RFP – Update

July 21, 2020 Update

Clarifying Question from RFP Response Candidate:  Page 8: Submittal Requirements: Similar Past Experience and References

The text says to include “total hours”—do you mean total budget (yearly or per project)? Or, do you want the total hours worked by all staff (per year or per project)?

Answer from RWA staff: Please include total hours worked by all staff per year and total budget per year for each past experience example.

The Regional Water Authority (RWA) is seeking Consultant support for the implementation of a Regional Public Outreach and Communications Program (Program). The Program has two distinct components: 1) Regional public outreach implementation and 2) Communications/Public Relations support. Component 1 includes the research, design and implementation of a regional public outreach campaign and school education initiative, development of support tools and materials, ongoing coordination/meetings with participating water suppliers, and ongoing strategic support for relevant RWA staff. Component 2 includes the research, design and implementation of public relations initiatives and related events/meetings, development of tools and materials to support initiatives, and strategic support and advice for relevant RWA staff. Selected Consultant should also ensure coordination between Component 1 and Component 2.

Regional Public Outreach and Communications Program RFP

To be considered, four bound paper copies of the submittal and one unbound paper copy (sent to the RWA office) and one electronic version of the submittal (send via email) must be received by the principal contact listed below by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, July 31, 2020. The RWA reserves the right to reject any or all submittals after the deadline.

Questions regarding the RFP shall be directed to the RWA Project Manager, Amy Talbot, by e-mail to [email protected]

Thank you for your interest and efforts in providing the RWA with the  services outlined in the RFP.