Each year, the Regional Water Authority honors individuals and organizations for their outstanding work during the year and contributions to the region over many years. Honorees are nominated by the local water community. Those nominations are then reviewed and the honorees are selected by an Awards Committee.
Congratulations to our 2022 Honorees

John Woodling
Water Statesperson of the Year Award
John Woodling, GEI, Interim Executive Director of the South Central Groundwater Authority
For outstanding achievements in building alliances in the RWA service area during 2022
Regional Water Management Award

PCWA Director Robert Dugan Presents the Regional Water Management Award
Project: American River Basin Study
Produced in partnership by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation with Placer County Water Agency, the cites of Folsom, Roseville and Sacramento, El Dorado Water Agency, and Regional Water Authority, in coordination with the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
For one or more agencies that implement a program that creatively addresses a water management need and also benefits the region
Distinguished Serve Awards
Jeff Harris, City of Sacramento
Rob Swartz, Regional Water Authority
Forrest W. Williams Jr., Sacramento County Water Agency
For service and leadership to the region’s water community over many years

Rob Swartz

Robert Dugan with Jeff Harris

County Supervisor Don Nottoli and Melody Smith-Williams